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S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI 2022 10 03 안좋음(에서 조금 반등) Global economic activity declines for second successive month in September Key findings Embargoed until 1100 EDT (1500 UTC) 5 October 2022 News Release J.P.Morgan Global Composite PMI™ Source: J.P.Morgan, S&P Global. September saw the level of global economic activity contract for the second successive month, as output fell more quickly manufacturers but stabilised at service providers. However,.. 2022. 10. 6.
2022년 8월 산업활동동향 통계청 2022. 10. 5.
S&P Global South Korea Manufacturing PMI® 2022 10 04 발표 안좋음 Manufacturing output falls at sharpest rate since June 2020 Key findings Embargoed until 0930 KST (0030 UTC) 04 October 2022 News Release S&P Global South Korea Manufacturing PMI® Source: S&P Global. South Korea's manufacturing sector fell deeper into contraction territory during September, latest PMI® data from S&P Global showed, as another drop in new orders drove output volumes down to the qu.. 2022. 10. 5.
J.P.Morgan Global Manufacturing PMI™ 2022 10 03 발표 안좋음 Global manufacturing downturn continues as output and new orders fall further Key findings Embargoed until 1100 EDT (1500 UTC) 3 October 2022 News Release J.P.Morgan Global Manufacturing PMI™ Source: J.P.Morgan, S&P Global. Global manufacturing production decreased for the second successive month in September, as intakes of new work deteriorated and international trade flows contracted. The J.P... 2022. 10. 5.
S&P Global Eurozone Manufacturing PMI® 2022 10 03 안좋음 Manufacturing sector downturn accelerates in September as demand tumbles further and price pressures intensify Key findings: Final Eurozone Manufacturing PMI at 48.4 (Aug: 49.6). 27-month low. Final Eurozone Manufacturing Output Index at 46.3 (Aug: 46.5). 2-month low. Data were collected 12-23 September S&P Global Eurozone Manufacturing PMI Source: S&P Global. The euro area’s manufacturing secto.. 2022. 10. 3.
2022 09 한국 수출 yoy 일평균 0.4% 계속 빠지고 있음 월평균으로는 2.8% 2022. 10. 1.
차이신 중국 제조업 지수 49.5 안좋음 Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI™ 220930 발표 Business conditions across China's manufacturing sector deteriorated modestly in September, as efforts to contain the COVID-19 virus weighed on performance. Total new business dropped for the second month in a row, which led to a renewed fall in output, while firms also trimmed their purchasing activity and inventories. Reduced demand for inputs placed further downward pressure on prices, with i.. 2022. 9. 30.
페드 기준금리 예측(by 페드) 4.5% 상한을 4.5% 정도로 잡는 듯 2022. 9. 21.
한국 수출 - 8.7%(yoy), + 1.8%(일평균) 20220901 - 20 2022. 9. 21.
중국 크레딧 임펄스 2022 08까지 오르다 떨어지는 중 2022. 9. 21.
미국채 1년 4% 1년짜리 미국 국채 이율 4%를 다 보네... 1년 미국채 4% 이상일때 주식하셨던 분 ~~~~~ 조언 부탁드립니다 2022. 9. 16.
220913 미국 CPI 8.3% 에너지는 전달에 비해서 많이 떨어졌다 2022. 9. 16.
20220915 필라델피아 연준 제조업활동지수 신규주문 -17.6% https://www.philadelphiafed.org/-/media/frbp/assets/surveys-and-data/mbos/2022/bos0922.pdf?la=en&hash=B7498737DC314E65853AD4D8083D23FB 2022. 9. 15.
2022년 7월 통계청 산업활동동향 8월 31일 발표 2022. 9. 7.
S&P Global Flash US Composite PMI 2022 08 23 2022. 8. 27.