---리포트---125 affirm 3q 21 https://investors.affirm.com/news-events/events-and-presentations Events and Presentations | Affirm Holdings, Inc. The Investor Relations website contains information about Affirm Holdings, Inc.'s business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts. investors.affirm.com https://investors.affirm.com/static-files/4c9ae5a2-3b35-4aca-a2d1-75017d4a282e 와 핫하고 이쁘다 성장중 액티브 컨슈머 124%증가 .. 2021. 11. 17. 쿠팡 coupang 3q 2021 https://ir.aboutcoupang.com/English/home/default.aspx Coupang - Investor Relations Coupang is reimagining the commerce experience with the goal of wowing each customer from the instant they open the Coupang app to the moment an order is delivered to their door. Powered by a dynamic end-to-end e-commerce and logistics network and a cultur ir.aboutcoupang.com 매출은 증가했는데...... 손실이 많이 늘어났다..... 매출이 4.. 2021. 11. 14. 소파이 sofi 3q 21 https://investors.sofi.com/overview/default.aspx SoFi Technologies, Inc. (SOFI) - Investor Relations SoFi's mission is to help people reach financial independence to realize their ambitions. Financial independence doesn't just mean being rich; it means getting to a point where your money works for the life you want to live. Everything we do is geared towa investors.sofi.com https://s27.q4cdn.com.. 2021. 11. 11. 디즈니 disney 3q 21(디즈니 기준으로는 4q 21) https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/investor-relations/ Investor Relations - Stock Information, Events, Reports, Financial Information, Shareholder Information - The Walt Disney Compan Investor Relations thewaltdisneycompany.com https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/disneys-fiscal-full-year-and-q4-2021-earnings-results-webcast/ Disney’s Fiscal Full Year and Q4 2021 Earnings Results Webcast - The Walt Di.. 2021. 11. 11. 유니티 Unity 3q 2021 https://investors.unity.com/overview/default.aspx Unity Technologies - Investor relations Unity is the world’s leading platform for creating and operating interactive, real-time 3D (RT3D) content. Creators, ranging from game developers and architects to automotive designers, filmmakers and more, use Unity to make their creations come to life. investors.unity.com https://investors.unity.com/news/.. 2021. 11. 11. 코인베이스 coinbase 21 3q https://investor.coinbase.com/home/default.aspx Coinbase - Investor Relations Coinbase powers the cryptoeconomy --> Coinbase is building the cryptoeconomy – a more fair, accessible, efficient, and transparent financial system enabled by crypto. The company started in 2012 with the radical idea that anyone, anywhere, should be able investor.coinbase.com https://investor.coinbase.com/events-and-pr.. 2021. 11. 10. 로블록스 roblox 21 3q https://ir.roblox.com/events-and-presentations/events/event-details/2021/Roblox-Q3-2021-Earnings-QA/default.aspx Roblox - Roblox Q3 2021 Earnings Q&A November 9, 2021 05:30 AM PT ir.roblox.com https://s27.q4cdn.com/984876518/files/doc_financials/2021/q3/Earnings-Q3'21-Supplemental-Materials-(FINAL-11-8-21).pdf 코로나가 끝나도 안꺽였구나 계속 우상향 매출은 102%증가했다 매출의 yoy로만 보면 이미 성장가속도는 줄어들고 있긴 하다 qoq성장은 늘어나지만 yoy성.. 2021. 11. 10. 더트레이드 데스크 the trade desk 21 3q 모든 성장율이 작년보다 좋아졌다 작년에는 영업비용이 80% 올해는 비용이 73% 와 정말 좋다 굿! 주가 폭등할만 하구나 2021. 11. 10. 페이팔 paypal 21. 3q https://investor.pypl.com/news-and-events/events/event-details/2021/PayPals-Q3-2021-Earnings-Call/default.aspx PayPal Holdings, Inc. - PayPal’s Q3 2021 Earnings Call November 8, 2021 02:00 PM PT investor.pypl.com https://s1.q4cdn.com/633035571/files/doc_financials/2021/q3/Q3-21-PayPal-Earnings-Release.pdf 성장율이 10프로 내외인건가????? 마이크로소프트 보다 성장율이 떨어지네.... 논갭으로 봤을때 오퍼레이팅 마진이 27%인걸 빼면 다 별볼일 없다 이체 비용이 2.. 2021. 11. 9. 레모네이드 lemonade https://s24.q4cdn.com/139015699/files/doc_financials/2021/q3/Q3-21-Shareholder-Letter.pdf 별로 마음에 안든다... 손실도 커지고 손실율도 커짐 논갭 마진율도 연간으로 보면 애매함 매출은 확 늘었따 로스율이 그냥 그렇다 그로스 프로핏은 양수인데... 줄어들었다 세일즈와 마케팅 비용이 크다 언젠가 이 비용을 적게 쓸 날이 오려나 아직은 매수할지 잘 모르겠다.. 2021. 11. 9. 화이자 21년 3분기 pfizer 2021 3q https://investors.pfizer.com/investors-overview/default.aspx Pfizer Inc. - Investors Overview Sustainability Bond Our first-ever $1 billion bond advances our projects that support vulnerable populations and conserve natural resources while investors receive returns through the life of the bond. READ MORE --> Current information on our scientific pr investors.pfizer.com https://s21.q4cdn.com/3176.. 2021. 11. 8. 퀄컴 2021 3q 10-k 실적 Investor Relations :: QUALCOMM Incorporated (QCOM) Investor Relations Qualcomm is a global leader in the development and commercialization of foundational technologies and products used in wireless products. investor.qualcomm.com https://d1io3yog0oux5.cloudfront.net/_d3f62e7f7ac54a186d48df692f6ec982/qualcomm/db/773/7048/file/FY+2021+4th+Quarter+Earnings+Release.pdf 비용이 뭐 이렇게 많이 들었지... https://d1.. 2021. 11. 7. EIA mer oct 21 Monthly Energy Review – October 2021 (eia.gov) 석탄 줄어들고 천연가스 기름 늘어남 전기를 만드는데 많이 쓰이는 천가 천가의 쓰임새 중 늘어나는 부분은 전기 생산 석탄은 줄어들고 석탄으로 나오는 전기도 줄어들고 미국 전기값 7월까지 친환경 증가 천가 화석 핵 비교 2021. 10. 31. 한국은행 21 3q 실질 국내 총생산 gdp http://www.bok.or.kr/portal/bbs/P0000559/view.do?nttId=10067124&menuNo=200690 2021년 3/4분기 실질 국내총생산(속보) | 보도자료(상세) | 커뮤니케이션 | 한국은행 홈페이지 한국은행과 관련된 보도자료 제공 게시판 www.bok.or.kr 2021. 10. 27. 2021 기업집단별 소유 지분도 대기업 계열 2021. 10. 24. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 ··· 9 다음 728x90