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미국 하버드 대법원 판결 Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College

by 2040FACTORY 2023. 6. 30.


20-1199 Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (06/29/2023) (supremecourt.gov)





부모가 해야할 일은 어디까지인가


제대로 하려면 생각보다 깊다


At Harvard, each application for admission is initially screened by a “first reader,” who assigns a numerical score in each of six categories: academic, extracurricular, athletic, school support, personal, and overall. For the “overall” category—a composite of the five other ratings— a first reader can and does consider the applicant’s race. Harvard’s admissions subcommittees then review all applications from a particular geographic area. These regional subcommittees make recommendations to the full admissions committee, and they take an applicant’s race into account. When the 40-member full admissions committee begins its deliberations, it discusses the relative breakdown of applicants by race. The goal of the process, according to Harvard’s director of admissions, is ensuring there is no “dramatic drop-off” in minority admissions from the prior class.



아카데믹, EC, 운동, 학교 활동, 인성, 오버롤 6가지를 본다.




An applicant receiving a majority of the full committee’s votes is tentatively accepted for admission.  At the end of this process, the racial composition of the tentative applicant pool is disclosed to the committee. The last stage of Harvard’s admissions process, called the “lop,” winnows the list of tentatively admitted students to arrive at the final class. Applicants that Harvard considers cutting at this stage are placed on the “lop list,” which contains 
only four pieces of information: legacy status, recruited athlete status, financial aid eligibility, and race. In the Harvard admissions process,  “race is a determinative tip for” a significant percentage “of all admitted African American and Hispanic applicants.”


마지막 단계에서는

레거시, 리크루트된 운동선수, 재정지원, 인종만 본다 



The First Circuit found that Harvard’s consideration of race has resulted in fewer admissions of Asian-American students. 


Over 60,000 people applied to the school last year; fewer than 2,000 were admitted.(하버드)


The admissions process at Harvard works as follows. 
Every application is initially screened by a “first reader,” who assigns scores in six categories: academic, extracurricular, athletic, school support, personal, and overall. Ibid. 
A rating of “1” is the best; a rating of “6” the worst. Ibid. In the academic category, for example, a “1” signifies “nearperfect standardized test scores and grades”; in the extracurricular category, it indicates “truly unusual achievement”; and in the personal category, it denotes “outstanding” attributes like maturity, integrity, leadership, kindness, and courage. Id., at 167–168. A score of “1” on the overall rating—a composite of the five other ratings—“signifies an exceptional candidate with >90% chance of admission.” Id., at 169 (internal quotation marks omitted). In assigning the overall rating, the first readers “can and do take an applicant’s race into account.” Ibid. 


6개 항목은 1점에서 6점을 매기는데

학업에서 1점은 거의 완벽에 가까운 표준화된 점수 및 등급

EC 1은 정말 특이하고 볼 수 없었던 성취

개인적 항목에서 아웃스탠딩등급은 성숙, 리더십, 친절 용기와 같은 특성을 나타냄

전체 항목에서 1점을 받는다는것은 입학가능성이 90%이상이라는 것



The final stage of Harvard’s process is called the “lop,” during which the list of tentatively admitted students is winnowed further to arrive at the final class. Any applicants that Harvard considers cutting at this stage are placed on a “lop list,” which contains only four pieces of 
information: legacy status, recruited athlete status, financial aid eligibility, and race. 980 F. 3d, at 170. The full committee decides as a group which students to lop.
397 F. Supp. 3d 126, 144 (Mass. 2019). In doing so, the committee can and does take race into account. Ibid. Once the 
lop process is complete, Harvard’s admitted class is set. 
Ibid. In the Harvard admissions process, “race is a determinative tip for” a significant percentage “of all admitted 
African American and Hispanic applicants.” Id., at 178. 


마지막 단계에서는 위원회가 한 그룹으로서 어떤 학생을 떨어트릴지를 정하고 

정하는 기준은 4가지 래거시, 인종, 운동선수로모집되었는지, 재정지원자격, 인종


 Harvard continued: “A farm boy
from Idaho can bring something to Harvard College that a Bostonian cannot offer. Similarly, a black student can usually bring something that a white person cannot offer.” 



백인이 알 수 없는 무언가를 제공할 아시안을 뽑겠다는 것



Harvard identifies the following educational benefits that it is pursuing: (1) “training future leaders in the public and private sectors”; (2) preparing graduates to “adapt to an increasingly pluralistic society”; (3) “better educating its students through diversity”; and (4) “producing new knowledge stemming from diverse outlooks.” 980 F. 3d, at 173–


하버드가 추구하는 것

공공및 민간 부문 미래 지도자 양성

급변하는 사회에 적응

다양성을 통한 더 나은 교육

다양한 관점을 통한 새로운 지식의 생산

그러니까 하버드 다른 친구들에게 나의 다양성으로 인한 더 나은 교육이 가능하게 하거나

그들이 새로운 지식을 생산하는데 나의 특별하고 남다른 관점이 있어야 함



 the universities measure the racial composition of their classes using the following categories: (1) Asian; (2) Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander; (3) Hispanic; (4) White; (5) AfricanAmerican; and (6) Native American.

아시아인, 하와이원주민, 히스패닉, 화이트, 아프리칸, 아메리칸원주민 으로 나눈다.


Here, however, the First Circuit found that Harvard’s consideration of race has led to an 11.1% decrease in the number of Asian-Americans admitted to Harvard. 
















